The Role of Natural Supplements in Stress Relief
Certain natural supplements are known for their stress-relief properties. For instance, our Organic Magnesium Glycinate, formulated with a unique blend of key ingredients, can help support the body during stressful periods.
The body relies on the HPA axis for its stress response, and magnesium plays a vital role in this. Stress, whether mental or physical, leads to increased magnesium elimination, potentially disrupting the HPA axis and reducing the body's ability to handle stress. It's crucial to maintain an optimal magnesium intake during stressful periods to support the body's needs.
Glycine, an amino acid, is crucial for constructing proteins vital for tissue growth and upkeep. It serves as a precursor for the production of glutathione, an antioxidant that shields cells from oxidative damage. Recognised for its calming influence on the brain, glycine works with magnesium, offering excellent support for promoting restfulness, and a good night's rest is a great way to help reduce stress.